Maths Policy September 2024.pdf .pdf
Fluency Policy September 2024.pdf .pdf
Calculations Policy Multiplication and Division.pdf .pdf
Calculations Policy Addition and Subtraction.pdf .pdf
nnc-ready-to-progress-mapping-y1-6.pdf 1.pdf .pdf
factual-fluency-progression.pdf.pdf .pdf

Maths Workshops 2024


Help at Home Guidance

helping-at-home-leaflet-y2.pdf.pdf .pdf
helping-at-home-leaflet-eyfs.pdf.pdf .pdf
helping-at-home-leaflet-y1.pdf.pdf .pdf
helping-at-home-leaflet-y4.pdf.pdf .pdf
helping-at-home-leaflet-y5-y6.pdf.pdf .pdf
helping-at-home-leaflet-y3.pdf.pdf .pdf

Year Group Small Steps

early-years.pdf.pdf .pdf
year-1-scheme-of-learning-small-steps.pdf.pdf .pdf
year-2-scheme-of-learning-small-steps.pdf.pdf .pdf
year-3-scheme-of-learning-small-steps.pdf.pdf .pdf
year-4-scheme-of-learning-small-steps.pdf.pdf .pdf
year-5-scheme-of-learning-small-steps.pdf.pdf .pdf
year-6-scheme-of-learning-small-steps.pdf.pdf .pdf


In Maths it is our intent to develop every child’s confidence, resilience and independence in Mathematics by;


  • Using a carefully structured Mastery Approach to ensure every child is excited and challenged.
  • Encouraging children to have a go and be curious to help them grow in confidence and independence and build their resilience.


At Howick C of E Primary School we are implementing a Mastery approach to Mathematics lessons whereby children achieve deep and sustainable learning with the ability to build upon something that has already been mastered. This means spending greater time going into depth about concepts using a small steps approach to secure knowledge, fluency and understanding. We believe that all children can be successful at mathematics and it is our duty to ensure that our pupils have a deeper understanding of the content and skills and that they develop resilience and perseverance when reasoning and solving problems.

Our aim is to equip all pupils with the skills and confidence to solve a range of problems through fluency with numbers and mathematical reasoning. Children are encouraged to see the mathematics that surrounds them every day and enjoy developing vital life skills in this subject.

We are confident that learning at a steadier and deeper pace, benefits all children. This ensures no child is left behind as well as providing challenges to stretch and deepen children who grasp content quickly.

We focus on all children achieving what is expected for their curricular age and not beyond it. Evidence shows that all children need to develop deeper understanding of concepts and be able to apply their understanding to a range of situations and creatively solve problems. With this in mind, we actively ensure that children have many opportunities to apply their math’s skills across a range of subjects.

We provide swift intervention as needed on a daily basis to enable pupils to keep up and provide additional time, experiences and resources to ensure pupils are able to access the learning of their peers.

Small Steps

year-6-scheme-of-learning-small-steps.pdf.pdf .pdf
year-5-scheme-of-learning-small-steps.pdf.pdf .pdf
year-3-scheme-of-learning-small-steps.pdf.pdf .pdf
year-4-scheme-of-learning-small-steps.pdf.pdf .pdf
year-1-scheme-of-learning-small-steps.pdf.pdf .pdf
year-2-scheme-of-learning-small-steps.pdf.pdf .pdf
early-years.pdf.pdf .pdf

Maths Week 2021

Our focus for Maths Week this year has been 'Active Maths'.  In our whole school assembly at the beginning of the week, we talked about how Maths is for all pupils and we can all succeed if we try our best.  At Howick, we aim to make our curriculum engaging, exciting and challenging by making Maths fun and meaningful.  In Key Stage 1, the children learnt songs and used practical equipment to solve problems.  In Key Stage 2, the children took part in the Number Fit Mathematics World Cup which involved learning their times tables during keep fit sessions and competing against schools around the world.

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Parent Workshop 14th January 2021

Thank you to all our parents who attended the Zoom Maths Workshop.  I hope it gave you all the information you needed to be able to support your child with Maths at home and of the expectations in each year group.  Below is a copy of the presentation and our calculations policies are located on the policies section of our website.


Maths Week 2020

At Howick we want our children to be confident Mathematicians.  Throughout our Maths Week we provided our pupils with the skills and developed their growth mindset so they felt confident to have a go and persevere.  We hope that you enjoy having a look at what we have been up to.

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After evaluating the results of our parent survey, we have decided to put on a Maths Parent Workshop.  This will take place via Zoom on Thursday 14th January.  Further details will be sent out via Seesaw nearer the time.


Curriculum Overviews

Year 1 and 2 MTP.pdf .pdf
Year 3 and 4 MTP.pdf .pdf
Year 5 and 6 MTP.pdf .pdf
Reception Numeracy.pdf .pdf

Support with Calculations

Please visit our policies page by clicking this link to view our calculations policies.  These are useful guides for parents supporting their children at home.
