We are extremely proud of our carefully planned, progressive curriculum which is designed to excite our children, fostering within them curiosity, resilience and confidence.
"Leaders have carefully considered the knowledge that they want pupils to learn. They have also identified the order in which staff should teach important information. They make sure that the curriculum in early years meets the requirements of the early years foundation stage framework. The well-planned early years curriculum gives children in Reception Year a successful start to their schooling." OFSTED May 2022
Our broad and balanced curriculum is shaped by our Christian Vision and reflects our determination to provide the best opportunities for each of our individual children. Through careful planning and adaptive teaching, children of all abilities are able to access the curriculum and no child is excluded. We endeavour to ensure that all learners are able to work within the classroom, supported by staff, with the use of intervention outside of the classroom carefully timetabled so that no learner is away from the classroom for significant periods of time.
"As well as accurately identifying the additional needs of pupils with SEND, staff carefully adapt how they deliver the curriculum to these pupils. For example, they often teach information to pupils with SEND in smaller chunks so that they learn the same high-quality curriculum as other pupils." OFSTED May 2022
Our enrichment calendar is used to enhance our curriculum. This celebrates significant annual events, linking to our work on the Equality Award and courageous advocacy work. This ensures that the development of each whole child within a fully inclusive environment.
"Leaders shape the curriculum carefully to teach pupils about the differences between people. Staff teach pupils to respect different cultures. They also develop pupils’ social skills. Leaders make sure that pupils understand the importance of key world events, such as the recent United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP 21) in Glasgow. This helps pupils to have a well-developed respect for the environment and to understand their responsibilities as global citizens, such as the need to recycle plastic. Pupils learn the importance of generosity, for example towards people who use food banks." OFSTED May 2022
We are extremely proud of our children who are engaged, enthused and inspired by our personalised, progressive and creative curriculum, embracing their work and daily conduct with confidence, independence and resilience.
"Pupils feel safe in school and they make many friends. They said that attending Howick feels like being part of a family and makes them happy. Pupils relish learning in their classrooms" OFSTED May 2022
To find out more about our curriculum please contact Miss Ashworth, our school bursar who will arrange for you to meet with a member of our senior leadership team.
For more information on coverage, please visit the curriculum pages.