Courageous Advocacy

 At Howick, we encourage and support our children to be "courageous advocates".  This means they champion causes which are special and meaningful to them.  These may be global issues or matters far more personal and closer to home. 


We believe this develops resilience, teamwork, courage, independence and an understanding of the wider world and how they can help make it a better place, enabling our children to flourish.


Courageous Advocacy Champions 2023-2024

We have a fabulous new group of champions who have met to discuss the attributes of a courageous advocate and visited all classes to identify our issues of change for this year.  They are;

Class 1 - Litter and waste disposal

Class 2 - Loss of animal habitats

Class 3 - Online safety

Class 4 - Homelessness 


Foxton Centre

Class 4 were visited by representative from the Foxton Centre in Preston who told us about their fantastic work.  Inspired by this visit, our Class 4 Courageous Advocates arranged "Toast Fridays," selling toast to raise money for the centre.  They also encouraged the whole school to bring in items to make shoeboxes for the homeless people in Preston.  In July, our Courageous Advocacy Champions took 17 amazing boxes along with the money raised, all of which were greatly received.  

Class 1

Class 1 are so passionate about making changes to save our planet.


Class 2

As part of our actions we have purchased new recycling bins for all classes.

Our courageous advocates have designed labels for these bins with the children in Year 1 and 2.

They are now in classes ready to be used. 


The whole school had a Plastics Week, learning about recycling and creating their own artwork from recycled plastic.


Class 2 have created some amazing persuasive leaflets about plastic pollution linking this to their work on courageous advocacy. 

Class 3 - Climate Change

Class 3 have found out about the floods in Pakistan by reading articles in First News and watching Newsround

We decided to find out why the floods had happened and investigated climate change.

The children discussed the impact we are having on the climate and decided on things they were going to do to help.


Change Makers

Class 3 have been identifying people who have made changes.


Following our visits to Galloways (as part of our Equality work) our children have identified that there is a need to raise money to help this charity to continue its wonderful work.

We held a Bright for Sight day and raised a fantastic £165.

Thank you to Chelsea and her colleague for visiting school to meet the children with their wonderful guide dog. It was great for us to be able to see once again how our money will be used to help others.

The King's Coronation

As part of the Coronation celebrations our Courageous Advocacy Champions set the children a challenge.  They led a Collective Worship based on the letter sent by King Charles in the book “It’s up to us”.  Each class then focused on an environmental issue and created their own pledges to help with this.  We invited parents into school to see our work and the champions showed them everything that had been done. 


Penwortham food Bank - Home | Facebook

Penwortham Food bank

 Thank you to our amazing families for your generous donations.  Penwortham Food Bank representative were overwhelmed with the amount of food collected and we know that it will benefit so many people within our local community.
