Howick Church of England Primary School

“I can do all this through Him who gives me strength."

Class 2 - Year 1 and 2

Welcome to Class 2

Mrs Greaves is the Teacher in Class 2 and Mrs Turner is the Teaching Assistant.  

In our class we work together to achieve the best we can be. We pride ourselves in our calm and encouraging atmosphere where we always try our very best. We keep our school values close to our hearts to support each other to achieve this.  We focus on a variety of topics that both ignite and challenge our learning.  

PE Days

Class 2 have PE on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  Children can come into school in their PE kits for those days.


Homework is given out on a Thursday and needs to be handed in by the following Tuesday.  Our spelling test is completed on a Friday and new spellings sent home to learn the same day. 




Sorting and classifying animals into groups.  We brought our own from home!


The wonderful work of Henri Roussaeu. Children explored his work, experimented with the techniques and created their own piece using paints, oil pastels and chalk. Beautiful! 

Chinese New Year

What a fantastic time we had celebrating the Chinese New Year!  Children enjoyed a Music session where they had to 'wake the dragon' using the Chinese drums.  Later, children followed their instructions that they had written to make their own Chinese fruit firework. They were delicious! 

We even had some time for noodles!

Geography field work

This Autumn we have been exploring our own school grounds.  We challenged ourselves to map out our school area using everyday items in our classroom.  We then drew a plan using Google Earth to help us see from a birds eye view.  We then had a further challenge to use our own maps to locate markers on the playground and add then to our created maps.  


We enjoyed using the Lego Technic to create a spinner.  We used software to create an algorithm and were able to debug where needed. 



We have been revisiting some of our PE fundamental skills and learning to work in groups to practise some new skills. These include, throwing, catching, jumping, balancing, rolling, aiming, skipping and control. 

Science planting seeds.

We set up our own garden centre thinking carefully about what we needed.  Then, we worked as a team to plant our seeds.  We have enjoyed watching them grow, despite the storm that blew our greenhouse over!  We are still proud!


Visit to Galloways

Class 1 and 2 thoroughly enjoyed their visit to Galloways as part of our equality work.  They learnt about different visual impairments, completing a range of activities which helped them to gain a better understanding of these.  They also learnt about how to keep eyes healthy.  Thank you to Glen and his team for their time planning and delivering these invaluable sessions. 

Our Design and Technology Great Fire of London carts

In History Class 2 have learnt all about the Great Fire of London and focussed on the resources used during the time.  They pracitsed skills in D&T to design and make their very own moving cart! 

Our favourite Bible stories

In Class 2 we love to read, learn and share our thoughts on Bible stories.  We have created a range of work from some of our favourite texts and events. 


Waterproof Science investigation

Class 2 found a very wet Teddy who had been trying to be an outdoors superhero!  He hadn't thought through his outfit and his cape wasn't waterproof.  It was a mission for Class 2 as they set to work using their knowledge of materials to find the perfect waterproof cape for Teddy!  

Internet Safety

Class 2 know how to be safe online.  During Internet Safety Day the children talked about what to do if there is something they were unsure of when using the internet.  They drew beautiful pictures to show what they should see through a safe window.  #internetsafetyday #howtobesafe

Birds Eye View of Howick.  Messy Maps!

Having spent some time in Geography learning about the location of our school, we used aerial photos, google earth and maps to study our beautiful school grounds.  Using classroom resources we recreated the images making our very own birds eye view messy map.