Howick Church of England Primary School

“I can do all this through Him who gives me strength."

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Class 4 - Year 5 and 6

Welcome everyone. 

Mr Hunt is the Teacher in Class 4 and he is supported by our Teaching Assistant Mrs Whitehouse.

Our PE sessions are on Monday and Wednesday afternoons.  We ask that children come to school dressed in their PE kit (black shorts or black tracksuit bottoms, red t-shirt, trainers and a plain hoodie or jumper) on these days so that they do not need to get changed.


Please have a look through the Curriculum Information for the term below to see what we will be teaching.

 Class 4 Timetable.pdfDownload
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Science - Forces

In Science we have been learning about forces. In this lesson we were learning about the effects of air-resistance and gravity. The children made different size parachutes and predicted which ones would work the best (take the longest to hit the ground). They then decided on an appropriate way to test them and recorded the time it took for each one to hit the floor.

Design Technology - Frame Structures

Class 4 have started their DT project which is all about building frame structures.  In this unit, we will be accurately measuring wood and cutting it using hack saws.  We will also look at frame structures from around the world and learn about what improves their strength and rigidity.  



As part of our Daniel topic, we have created these letters which will be sent to the Open Doors Charity,  We have learnt about persecuted Christians, looking at the similarities between their lives and that of Daniels.

We have used extracts from the Bible, along with our theologically based vision statement to send hope to these people. 

Paralympic Athlete Visit

A fantastic day for the children of Howick with the visit of Paralympic Gold Medallist, Ayaz Bhuta.  The children thoroughly enjoyed the training session and were inspired by his resilience and determination to achieve and overcome the challenges he has faced.

Design Technology - Advent Calendar

Class 4 have been working on a project to design and make a reusable advent calendar that could be used by children of all ages.  Every child designed their own pocket and selected a sewing stitch they have practised to create the pocket.  They then decorated their pocket with their choice of felt, ribbon, buttons, fabric pens and fabric glue.  Now they just need treats to go inside!


As part of our work on Christmas around the world, Class 4 have created their own Presépio.

One tradition in Brazil is to create a nativity scene or Presépio. The word origins from the Hebrew word "presepium" which means the bed of straw upon which Jesus first slept in Bethlehem. The Presépio is common in northeastern Brazil (Bahia, Sergipe, Rio Grande do Norte, Paraíba, Maranhão, Ceará, Pernambuco, Piauí and Alagoas).

We used clay to make ours.

Chris Lubbe

A fantastic experience for our Class 4 children meeting Chris Lubbe. He spoke of his inspirational life, sharing so many key messages.

Chris Lubbe was one of Nelson Mandela's bodyguards and spoke to us about his experiences of Apartheid and the way that he responded to this.   He taught us about racism, resilience, courage, determination, courageous advocacy, forgiveness and reconciliation.  Our children left truly inspired.

Thank you to New Longton All Saints and our governors for joining us.

Ancient Greeks

As part of our topic work, we arranged a Lancashire Heritage Learning Outreach Session.

During the morning our children had a fantastic time, experiencing lots of hands on and exciting opportunities to consolidate and extend the learning that has been taking place in class.  The children were taken on an interactive and fun filled journey through ancient civilization and completed the following activities;

Greeks and their Gods

Where is Ancient Greece? Build a map

Take the statue challenge!

What is democracy?

The growth of the City States

The List of Legends

The Ancient Games

Borwick Hall

What a fantastic time we had at Borwick Hall.  Year 5 went for a day whilst Year 6 had 3 days and 2 nights.

Whilst there the children took part in a number of activities including high ropes, canoeing, caving, archery and team building crate stacking.

The children developed their perseverance, resilience and confidence whilst having the most amazing time.

We are so proud of them all and feel incredibly privileged to have spent time with such a super group of children.

Well done everyone! 

Public Speaking Competition

Class 4 have been busy preparing persuasive speeches based on the topic "Save our world".

We chose two children to represent our school at the TARDIS Public Speaking event. 

University of Central Lancashire

Our Year 6 children joined 4 other local schools on a business and enterprise afternoon.  They explored the university, listened to a talk (presented by one of the lecturers) and then were set the task of planning an event that would encourage families to visit Preston.

The children had to use lots of skills as they considered how best to entice visitors, plan the event and cost the income and outcome of the event.

Well done Year 6, you were amazing!


Cop 26

We have been learning about Cop 26 and considering how we can have a positive impact on climate change,

We have created posters to share our ideas and have also thought about how to reduce our carbon footprints.

Harvest Festival

Well done Class 4 for leading our harvest assembly.   You shared an important message and helped us to see how important our food bank donations are to those in need. 


 Well done to all of the children for taking part in Bikeability.  This gave us a chance to improve our cycling skills and learn how to be safe on the roads. 

Breaking down barriers

We have enjoyed learning about different faiths and cultures today.  It was super to have the chance to ask questions, embrace and celebrate our differences and learn some fantastic dance moves. 

The Fantastic Book Awards

Year 6 are enjoying reading our recent delivery of 'fantastic books'.  They are looking forward to sharing their thoughts and opinions before voting for their favourite in spring next year. 

These are the titles in our set.

Interhouse Netball Tournament

Well done Class 4 for an amazing netball tournament. 

You showed teamwork and fantastic skills throughout.  The final scores were as follows- 

Hutton - 1st place

Lindle - 2nd place

Millbrook - 3rd place

St.Mary's - 4th place 

 Curriculum Overview Autumn 2021.pdfDownload
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Year 6 Treat - Footgolf 

We had a fantastic day out at Euxton Footgolf.  

Rock and River 

We had an amazing day at Rock and River.  We enjoyed kayaking, canoeing and paddle boarding on the lake as well as climbing (high and low) and the airbag jump.  We showed teamwork and really motivated and encouraged each other to go for it in all activities.  We had great fun and showed determination and super skills throughout the whole day! 

Mental Health Awareness Week 10-14th May

We have enjoyed exploring ways to improve our mental health this week.  Activities this week have included relaxation techniques, running our daily mile, enjoying the outdoors and observing nature. We have also created a jigsaw full of ideas to help us with our mental health. 

Brazil Day

 We have really enjoyed our geography themed 'Brazil Day' in Class 4. 

Our learning included:-

  • research and fact-finding about the Amazon River and Rainforest creatures
  • learning about Brazil's Christ the Redeemer statue and creating our own artistic images 
  • fact-finding about the 'Brazuca' and creating a persuasive poster showing off it's features
  • a 'keepy uppy' challenge 
  • collecting climate data and creating bar and line graphs
  • Watching carnivals, listening to Brazilian carnival music and creating some fantastic carnival masks
  • recreating and finding out about the Brazilian flag 

As well as the uplifting carnival music, we also enjoyed the tranquil sounds of the rainforest while we worked. 

Well done Class 4 - you have learned so much and showed enthusiasm for all you have done!  

A Super Service by Class 4

We all enjoyed meeting Bishop Phillip when he came to open our Prayer and Reflection Area and Class 4 delivered a wonderful service which emphasised the importance of prayer.  Bishop Phillip was so impressed with your words and prayers and the way you led the service before handing over to him. It was great to be able to spend time with Bishop Phillip afterwards and listen to his wise words.  We are all looking forward to using our area to have a good 'chat with God'.

Well done Class 4.  We are extremely proud of you. 

The Fantastic Book Awards

Well done Year 6 on completing the challenge and reading each of the books in our set (Group C). 

It has been great to take part in these awards and see how much enthusiasm and pleasure you have had in reading and discussing the books.  We have now voted for our favourite and given our results to the organisers of the awards. 

We look forward to finding out the overall favourite books in Lancashire on June 30th. 

We had to give 6 points to our favourite, 5 points to the second favourite and so on until our sixth place was awarded 1 point.   

After each giving our points, they were collated and the following order was revealed.

Mark and Shark was our group favourite (with 6 points) and Starfell our least favourite (with 1 point).

Well done for presenting this information to Year 5 and Mrs Maloney and explaining what you have enjoyed about taking part.  You also did a great job of giving a little description of each book without giving too much away. 

I know Year 5 are now keen to read them too.  We can't wait to take part again next year!  

Celebrating Holy Week in Class 4

We have enjoyed celebrating Jesus and reflecting on the events of Holy Week.  

The Marvellous Mayans 

We have been marvelling at the skills of the ancient Mayans and have enjoyed creating magazine style texts which share our knowledge and appeal to our age group.

An Ancient Skill  - Upcycled 

We have had fun trying out some Mayan weaving and recycling our old CDs. 

Well Done Class 4!

We are missing you so much at school but continue to be blown away by your amazing efforts with home learning. 

You are showing real commitment, enthusiasm and positivity towards your learning and producing some fantastic work to be really proud of. 

You are all superstars!

An Ancient Greek Experience

It's been a great start to the week with our Ancient Greek Workshop.  Professor Tuesday helped us to become more familiar with well-known Greek myths.  We grouped up into City States and used actions to help us remember the main features of each one.   We also made a human timeline of the different periods of Ancient Greece.  It was great fun, we learned a lot and it has certainly enriched our understanding of life in Ancient Greece. 

Maths Week Fun! 

We enjoyed our team challenges and had fun creating outdoor algebra equations.

Creativity and Teamwork

It was super to see the way Class 4 worked together in PE.  Working in teams, they had created some unique games with instructions and equipment lists.  Today they got to try them out, adapt and refine them.  Each team demonstrated the game to the class.  Every game was different and the aims of each one were different too.  Teamwork was in abundance and encouragement was given to help each other succeed. 

Well done Class 4!    

The Fantastic Book Awards

We are very excited to announce the important role that Year 6 have ahead of them.  

We are taking part in Lancashire's Fantastic Book Awards and Year 6 are about to start reading and reviewing the books in Group C. 

We have until the end of March 2021 to read these six books and vote for our favourite. 

Along with all participating schools our vote will be counted and the winning five books will receive the FBA title.  

We can't wait to get reading, reviewing and sharing our thoughts and opinions.

Harvest Festival

Well done Year 6 for presenting such an amazing Harvest Festival Assembly.

Year 5 wrote some thoughtful prayers to thank God for the harvest.  We look forward to sharing these.

School Council Speeches 

We have been so impressed with our candidates for School Council.  After taking the time and putting so much effort into writing their speeches, they stood confidently in front of the class and shared their ideas.  They were all clear on what they would like to do to make our school even better and explained why they thought they were the person for the job.  Class 4 had a hard job choosing who to vote for and all votes were posted in the ballot box to be counted and shared next week.  After those speeches we are confident whoever gets the role will do a brilliant job for our school.  

Virtual Football

We enjoyed putting our dribbling skills to the test and completing some tricky courses.  

Sharing our Stories 

We enjoyed sharing our Greek myths and were able to give each other some helpful editing tips in order to improve our writing even further.  

When we work together, we can achieve a lot! 

Brilliant Bikeability!

Well done Year 6. 

You have worked so hard, listened to and followed all instructions carefully and have really shown off your skills.  The instructors were extremely impressed by your behaviour and Miss McCarthy was impressed by the way you did not let the weather (on day 2) get you down and just carried on with smiles on your faces!  What a fantastic start to the year! 



Happy Howick!

We are so happy to be back together again and are enjoying getting to know our Year 5 children better.  It has been a super start back and we could not be more proud of the way the children have enthusiastically taken on board all new routines.

Search Results for ancient greece clipart - Clip Art - Pictures - Graphics  - Illustrations

This term we will be travelling to ancient and modern day Greece with our History and Geography explorations.  This will also include reading and creating our own Greek myths in English.  In Science we will be investigating how animals evolve and adapt to their environment.  This will include finding out about the extraordinary Galapagos Islands and the discoveries of scientists and palaeontologists.  In RE we are exploring the Bible - how and why it is used and it's relevance today.  We are developing our netball skills in PE and looking forward to creating some super scenes of our school grounds in Art.  


PE Sessions

Our PE sessions this term are on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons.  We ask that children come to school dressed in their PE kit (black shorts or black tracksuit bottoms, red t-shirt, trainers and a plain hoodie or jumper) on these days so that they do not need to get changed.  Children will be able to stay in their PE kit for the duration of the school day therefore no change of clothes is required in school.  We also ask that every child brings a bag with a pair of named school pumps in at the start of term and leave these in school at all times.